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Purpose of the Symposium

In order to eliminate cause-effect indexed macro problems such as poverty, unemployment, income inequality, migration, unqualified education and environmental pollution for a decent, healthy and quality life, developing new policies, making innovative initiatives and using development models and sustainability knowledge in the context of sustainable development goals is a scientific approach. Discussion on the ground has been determined as the main theme of the 2nd International Urban and Regional Development Symposium.

In this context, primarily economic, political, administrative effects and results; City and Regional Definitions, City and Regional Planning, Development Models, Development Dynamics, Globalization and Regional Phenomenon, Regionalization Tendencies, Spatial Polarization - Location Mobility, Regional Inequality Analyzes, Interregional Imbalance, Comparative Regional Analyzes, Sustainable Development, Green Development, Rural Development, New Regionalism, Development Agencies, Lifelong Learning, Higher Education / Vocational Training and Development, Poverty, Migration, Learning Region, Urban Identity, Smart Cities, Local Dynamics, Energy, Tourism, Health, Agriculture etc. participation in studies on the subject is expected.

Even though they are outside the scope of the main theme, papers appropriate to the title of the Symposium will also be accepted for evaluation.

The International Urban and Regional Development Symposium, held for the second time, will be hosted by Dicle University.

The papers presented by the participants within the scope of the symposium will be converted to publication electronically and in a suitable format.

Within the scope of the Symposium Social Program, trips and group dinner events organized for participants from outside Diyarbakır will create an environment of acquaintance, professional communication and academic cooperation between the academic staff of our university and academics who will participate from outside our university.

The Symposium Social Program will also contribute to the historical, touristic and cultural promotion of Diyarbakır, the 12 thousand-year-old ancient city that whispers its secrets to its walls, and the places on the tour route.